Elevators in the Summer

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With the summer months here, it’s very important to be aware of the impacts heat has on elevators. Did you know that temperature has a large effect on how your elevator works? Machine rooms that are too hot have the ability to negatively impact your elevator, along with causing hazards. Motor rooms that are too hot can also cause the need for frequent repairs. 

 As predicted, elevator rooms will get warm with warmer weather. They operate best between 60- and 90-degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures, whether warmer or colder, can cause an elevator to have difficulties operating and can possibly cause equipment failures. These issues can result in you needing to call the elevator repair service more times than you’d like.

 As you know, your customers/ tenants rely on elevators to help make their lives simpler. In order to prevent any issues during warmer months, make sure to have a dedicated cooling system for your equipment. You can also get a portable air conditioner that can help keep things cooler in the heat. 

This summer, make sure to keep up with your elevator and its cooling system.

Michael Class