Do You Need an Elevator Door Upgrade?

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Let’s start off by explaining what exactly an elevator door upgrade is. Depending on who you happen to be working with, an elevator door upgrade can mean many things. 

 It can mean:

-      Upgrading the door operator

-      Replacing the hoist way clutches and interlocks

-      Replacing or recladding the hoist way and elevator doors

-      Upgrading the doors safety edge

 An elevator door upgrade proposal can be very expensive, thus leading people to wonder if it’s even worth it.

When should you get an elevator door upgrade? 

 Elevator doors are typically the most abused part of an elevator. People force them to stop closing, they crash into them, and stick things in between them. Elevator doors operate twice as many times as the elevator itself, opening and closing twice in one run of the car. This causes the door equipment to wear down before any other part of the elevator. Door upgrades are typically needed after 10 to 15 years of elevator life.

 A door elevator upgrade can be quite expensive. Here are estimated costs for this upgrade as they will vary depending on the project. Keep in mind, if you need to replace the hoist way equipment too, the cost can run much higher.

 -      New doors: $5,000

-      Door operator: $12,000-$25,000

-      Door locks and clutches: $5,000- $15,000

Michael Class